Before you plan the perfect wedding,
let’s make sure you are ready for a Christ-Centered Marriage!

The World’s Most Practical Marriage Assesment
You can build your marriage on more than a hope and a prayer. The SYMBIS and SYMBIS+ Assessments gives you a personalized roadmap to making your marriage everything it was meant to be.
Register Today!

You won’t find a more personalized and powerful pre-marriage assessment than SYMBIS.
The SYMBIS Assessment just may be the most important thing you do for your relationship. Discover everything you need to know about:
Your Personalities – discover strengths you both bring to marriage
Your Love Life – cultivate deeper intimacy and lifelong passion
Your Fight Types – discover your “hot topics”
Your Talk Styles – crack the code for heartfelt and lasting connections
Your Deepest Longing – create your ultimate soul-to-soul connection
Your Money Methods – kick financial worries to the curb and deepen your connection with one another
Register Today!

SYMBIS is required for couples who desire to be married by a TWC pastor/minister. For more information about SYMBIS, see our FAQs below.
What is the difference between SYMBIS and SYMBIS+?
SYMBIS is designed for engaged and newlywed couples.
SYMBIS+ is for couples who have been married for more than 2 years.
How long does it take to complete SYBMIS and SYMBIS+?
Eight weeks for nonblended families and nine weeks for blended families.
Is there a cost associated with SYMBIS and SYMBIS+?
The cost for the SYMBIS and SYMBIS+ courses will be $95. The cost will include the following:
Two “Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts” books, one Workbook for Women, and one Workbook for Men
18-page personalized assessment
A certified SYMBIS instructor